This Month’s Speaker: Adrienne Rollins Rollins who currently serves as the OSDH Director of Health Policy, Planning and Partnerships, has been named the new director of the authority. She works with both OMMA and her position with the Oklahoma State Department of Health. Since 2012, she has been working with programs dealing with tobacco prevention and cessation, improving population health and providing access to health care.
Each month, Oklahoma Behavioral Health Association brings together its Members to discuss current industry trends and news from the organization. OBHA membership meetings are also key opportunities for Members and Partners to network amongst each other, create new business relationships, and stay up to date on developments within their fields. Finally, monthly meetings give Members the chance to meet invited public and private sector leaders, vendors and speakers in a closed, intimate setting. The monthly speaker will be announced prior to each meeting.
Member price: FREE
Non Member price: $40.00
Continuing Education credits (1.5 hours) are available for most meetings. Lunch is provided.
Online registration is available to all members and non-members closing each month on the Friday before the meeting.
Registration for the Monthly Member Meeting.