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unmasked 2018

October 26, 2018 @ 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm


Join us for unmasked 2018…….Benefiting Oklahoma Behavioral Health Foundation

When: Friday, October 26, 2018 7:00PM Where: IOA Gallery, 706 W. Sheridan Ave, OKC

unmaksed is Oklahoma Behavioral Health Association’s newest annual fundraiser with all proceeds benefiting Behavioral Health and Addiction Treatment advocacy, education and training in Oklahoma.

Tickets are $65 (limited number of tickets available – get yours TODAY) 


Ticket Cost covers food, fun, dancing and your one of a kind night to UNMASK Mental Health and Addiction Treatment in Oklahoma + Special Guest! COSTUME CONTEST WITH PRIZES!

Attire – Snappy Casual or Costume (optional…there will be a contest!)

Sponsorship Opportunities Available

Contact: kate@okbha.org or 405.697.6200
Impact Sponsor: $5,000 
Most prominent name and logo on event materials
Name and Logo recognition in all event press releases
Logo featured on website for six months
Recognition on social media with hyperlink
Feature article and Logo in Member News for six months
Verbal recognition at the event
Opportunity to provide promotional materials
Table at 2018 Legislative Lunch
8 UNMASKED event tickets

Inspire Sponsor: $3,000
Prominent name and logo on event materials
Name recognition in all press releases related to events
Logo featured on website for six months
Recognition on social media with Logo and hyperlink
Logo in Member News for six months
6 UNMASKED event tickets

Investing Sponsor: $1,500
Name and logo placement on all event printed materials
Name recognition in all press releases related to events
Acknowledgement in Member News for three months
Logo featured on website for six months
Recognition on social media with hyperlink
4 UNMASKED event tickets

Involved Sponsors: $500
Name placement on all event printed materials
Recognition on social media with hyperlink
Name recognition in all press releases related to events
Acknowledgement in Member News for three months
2 UNMASKED event ticket


October 26, 2018
7:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Event Category:


IOA Gallery
706 W. Sheridan Ave
Oklahoma City, OK United States
+ Google Map