OBHA is your voice at the State Capitol. membership@okbha.org

Cultivating Emotional Intellegence Training

Cultivating Emotional Intelligence Training 9/17 & 9/18 | 9AM-12AM | Free for members & $75 for non-members

By using emotional intelligence, compassion training, meditation, as well as, other methodologies, Cultivating Emotional Balance (CEB) is a training that helps participants learn to build healthy emotional boundaries that enable the practice of living an empathic, compassionate life, while avoiding burnout. Participants build conceptual knowledge, practice mindfulness and meditation, engage in small group dialogue, and have time for personal reflection.

CEB is an evidenced-based training that was sparked during a meeting between behavioral scientists Dr. Paul Ekman, Dr. Eve Ekman, and the Dalai Lama in 2000, as a new approach to understanding and working with our emotional lives. Combining contemporary scientific emotion research, mindfulness, and Brahma Vihara (loving kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity) practices, this class series will give participants new tools for working with emotion.Participants will learn how to:

•Understand the science of emotions, empathy, and burnout;
•Recognize and work with emotional triggers;
•Identify sources of meaning in work;
•Deepen awareness, stable attention, and relaxation; and
•Increase compassion for the self and others.

About the trainer: Dave Smith is an internationally recognized Buddhist meditation teacher, addiction treatment specialist, and published author. His background is rooted in the Insight Meditation tradition and he was empowered to teach through the Against the Stream Buddhist Meditation Society. He has extensive experience bringing meditative interventions into jails, prisons, youth detention centers and addiction treatment facilities. Dave teaches residential meditation retreats and classes, provides trainings and consulting in both secular and Buddhist contexts, and works with students through his meditation mentoring program. He recently founded the Secular Dharma Foundation and lives in Paonia, Colorado.

Staying Unconquerable: Cultural Trauma Training

Oklahoma Primary Care Association 50 Penn Place, 1900 Northwest Expy #1601, Oklahoma City, OK, United States

Staying Unconquerable is a presentation given by Johnna James, proud Chickasaw woman. Join us for this exciting continuing education opportunity to learn about historical trauma and how to have cultural humility in regards to the diverse tribal landscape of Oklahoma. Other objectives include learning the power of resilience and the strength found in shared experiences. […]