OBHA is your voice at the State Capitol. membership@okbha.org

Peer Recovery Supports-Oklahoma City

Northcare 2617 General Pershing Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK

Donna Woods, Executive Director at OCARTA, will present peer recovery supports.  The training is for all levels of professionals to understand and discuss the role of the PRSS in your agency.

September Networking Lunch & Learn

Northcare 2617 General Pershing Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK

Each month, Oklahoma Behavioral Health Association brings together its Members to discuss current industry trends and news from the organization. OBHA membership meetings are also key opportunities for Members and Partners to network among each other, create new business relationships, and stay up to date on developments within their fields. Finally, monthly meetings give Members the […]

October Networking Lunch & Learn

Family and Children's Services 2325 S. Harvard Ave, Tulsa, OK, United States

Each month, Oklahoma Behavioral Health Association brings together its Members to discuss current industry trends and news from the organization. OBHA membership meetings are also key opportunities for Members and Partners to network among each other, create new business relationships, and stay up to date on developments within their fields. Finally, monthly meetings give Members the […]

November Networking Lunch & Learn

Northcare 2617 General Pershing Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK

Each month, Oklahoma Behavioral Health Association brings together its Members to discuss current industry trends and news from the organization. OBHA membership meetings are also key opportunities for Members and Partners to network among each other, create new business relationships, and stay up to date on developments within their fields. Finally, monthly meetings give Members the […]

December Networking Lunch & Learn

Family and Children's Services 2325 S. Harvard Ave, Tulsa, OK, United States

Each month, Oklahoma Behavioral Health Association brings together its Members to discuss current industry trends and news from the organization. OBHA membership meetings are also key opportunities for Members and Partners to network among each other, create new business relationships, and stay up to date on developments within their fields. Finally, monthly meetings give Members the […]

Oklahoma City Ethics Training

We are sponsoring ETHICS for mental health and recovery professionals on Dec. 17, 2019.  Dr. Durand Crosby is our speaker.  The training will be at HOPE community services located at 6100 S. Walker, OKC. OK. CEU's will be provided for LMFT, LPC, LCSW, PRSS, and Case Managers. Please register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/80871995315

April Members Meeting via ZOOM

Rep. Carol Bush will be our speaker!! April 7, 2020 we will meet at 10:30 am. Please email Katharine@okbha.org for zoom instructions if you would like to join.

Annual Members’ Meeting

Join us for our Annual Member's Meeting on June 2, 2020.  The meeting begins at 11:30 am.  We will enjoy lunch and hear from the Commissioner of Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. Members attend lunch for free.  Non-Members must pay $40. CEU'S will be available for one hour. Register for lunch […]

Self Care/Resilience building for team members in Behavioral Health

This exciting training will be conducted via zoom. After registration, zoom instructions will be emailed to attendees.  After the session, CEU'S and evaluations will be emailed.  Self care during this time of crisis is more valuable than ever.  Session will be June 4, 2020 from 9am-12pm. We look forward to seeing you there.  If you […]

Staying Unconquerable: Culture and Trauma Training

This training will be conducted via zoom.  Join us as we learn about cultural humility in the diverse landscape of Oklahoma. CEU's are available for PRSS, LPC,LCSW, LMFT, LADC, and case managers. Members attend all trainings free. Non-members must pay $40 registration fee. Please register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/106234907468