OBHA is your voice at the State Capitol. membership@okbha.org

May Member Meeting

Northcare 2617 General Pershing Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK

Each month, Oklahoma Behavioral Health Association brings together its Members to discuss current industry trends and news from the organization. OBHA membership meetings are also key opportunities for Members and Partners to network amongst each other, create new business relationships, and stay up to date on developments within their fields. Finally, monthly meetings give Members the […]

ECU Veterans Upward Bound Program

Chickasaw Business & Conference Center 830 E. Main St. , Ada, Oklahoma, United States

Appreciation Day 2018 Flyer Free & Open to the Public Military Attire Welcome This Event is Made Possible by Generous Donations Vendor Tables Available at 9:00am PROGRAM BEGINS at 10:00am Lunch Provided Following Program* Door Prizes During Lunch *Lunch is first come first served

OBHA Annual Meeting

Northcare 2617 General Pershing Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK

Each year, Oklahoma Behavioral Health Association brings together its Members and interested guests to discuss OBHA's Annual Review, news from the organization and objectives for the coming year. This Annual Meeting is open to anyone interested in learning more about the Association. Lunch is provided. Online registration is available to all members and non-members closing each […]

August Member Meeting

Northcare 2617 General Pershing Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK

Location: Spirit Bank Tower, Community Room - 1800 S Baltimore Ave, Tulsa, OK 74119 Each month, Oklahoma Behavioral Health Association brings together its Members to discuss current industry trends and news from the organization. OBHA membership meetings are also key opportunities for Members and Partners to network amongst each other, create new business relationships, and stay […]

September Member Meeting

Spirit Bank Community Room 1800 S. Baltimore Ave, Tulsa , OK, United States

Each month, Oklahoma Behavioral Health Association brings together its Members to discuss current industry trends and news from the organization. OBHA membership meetings are also key opportunities for Members and Partners to network amongst each other, create new business relationships, and stay up to date on developments within their fields. Finally, monthly meetings give Members the […]

October Member Meeting

Northcare 2617 General Pershing Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK

All are welcome, free to attend. Please plan to attend Candidate Conversations at NorthCare OK on Tuesday, October 2nd | 1PM - 3:30PM Let's fill the room for the Governor Candidates to know the importance of Mental Health and Addiction Treatment Services in Oklahoma.

November Member Meeting

Northcare 2617 General Pershing Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK

Each month, Oklahoma Behavioral Health Association brings together its Members to discuss current industry trends and news from the organization. OBHA membership meetings are also key opportunities for Members and Partners to network amongst each other, create new business relationships, and stay up to date on developments within their fields. Finally, monthly meetings give Members the […]

December Member Meeting

Family and Children's Services 2325 S. Harvard Ave, Tulsa, OK, United States

Each month, Oklahoma Behavioral Health Association brings together its Members to discuss current industry trends and news from the organization. OBHA membership meetings are also key opportunities for Members and Partners to network amongst each other, create new business relationships, and stay up to date on developments within their fields. Finally, monthly meetings give Members the […]